Once upon a time there was a gun, and it spun and then frogs fought or wait no-

Frogs fought some monster that might be a lizard, not sure.

Then there was this washed up Anime Hero that became homeless after he wasn't

popular anymore so he swept the sidewalk and begged for spare change....

This doll boy was like a young boy and the Anime Hero was his hero until the Anime Hero

treated the boy like a zero so he got angry and bought a bazooka on the dark web and

wanted to KILL YOU.

Shiiiiiiit, the story hmmmm....

This is a musical bruh so its all about vibes and feelings maaaaaaan-

also this isn't some normie movie/musical- I'm an artist my dude so its creative asf-

Normal musicals have mundane dialogue and that crinegy singy-talking-

I'm living my life doesn't have either- its just songs-

there is a story but it feels dumb to write about it-

nobody watches musicals for the "story" its all about vibes-

Just watch it- however it makes you feel is the "story"- make it your story-

The story of this musical is- there's somebody with a gun in their mouth rn,

crying with their finger on the trigger- there's somebody with some pills

in their hand about to say fuck it and take them all-

there's somebody rn realizing that by doing what they were told they just ruined their life forever-

there's somebody living in their car rn with no friends or family and their mind is slowly falling to pieces-

there's somebody who watched their loved ones burn to death while bombs drop around them

with the world watching and their tormentor is the "king" of the world while simultaneously playing victim-

- that's the story of this musical.

Ok, ok I'll give you something good- this is what inspired this musical-

I went to play basketball at my local court somewhere in Cali 2023-

it was a rainy day so no one was really out on the court.

As I was shooting around these three kids came walking up to the court-

A teenage boy probably like 16- a little girl probably like 5- and a little boy probably like 8-

they had a deflated soccer ball they were shooting around with-

every time if fell to the ground it just went PLOP and stayed there- no bounce- they didn't care.

The little boy had an umbrella-

Seeing that I had a working basketball- the kids came over to my court and the little boy asked

me if they could play with me- the teenage boy and little girl were shy but the little boy was not-

So being a good adult playing with kids- I didn't shoot anymore-

instead I just let them shoot and got the rebounds and passed it to each of them-

Only the little boy spoke English so he was the only one talking to me-

they were new to the area only having moved there a few months back-

The kid's could barely reach the 10 foot hoop- the little girl couldn't at all-

the teenager hit a sick 3 breh so I gave him props on that-

But yeah- we're shooting as its raining lightly and the kids are having fun-

then an ice cream truck rolls into the park and the little boy instantly runs over to it-

then- he stops and yells at me "Do you want an ice cream?"

I say "no thank you"- he runs off with the other two kids-

A bit later they walk back with ice cream in hand- we keep shooting around-

The have ice cream in one hand and are picking up, dribbling, shooting with the other hand-

being careful not to drop the ice cream with the other hand-

Then it starts raining harder- I'm wearing a hoodie so the rain doesn't bother me and I shoot

out there alone in the rain all the time-

the teenager and the little girl run for cover under the roof of a nearby shack-

the little boy had a folded umbrella the whole time so he pulls it out and opens it-

He's standing there totally chill with the ice cream in one hand and the umbrella in the other

when I say to him-

"Hey you’re playing basketball, you've got an ice cream and an umbrella in the rain- pretty good yeah"

The he looks up at me without hesitation and says "I'm living my life"

That kid/that phrase at that moment inspired this musical.

We shot around a bit longer then the kids said bye and started the walk back home-

I kept shooting around when I noticed the kids forget their deflated soccer ball so I picked it up-

Just as I had picked it up and turned the little boy was running back saying "we forgot our ball"

so I threw it to him he said thank you and bye again and ran away.

I never saw them again-

but there's a lot of people I meet and talk to that I never see again.

I don't use and never have used any kind of mobile phone-

no flip phone ever- no smart phone ever-

I don't use any social media- I don't tweet, I don't post updates or stories or whatever.

So when I met these kids I didn't take any photos or videos-

I didn't post about it on my whatever because I don't have or use any of that bullshit.

So what did I do?

I made an original animated musical that’s 110+ minutes long with 33 original songs.

I'm living my life.

With that annoying little toy in your hand all day and night controlling your nervous system….

Are you?