Ok, ok I'll give you something good- this is what inspired this musical-
I went to play basketball at my local court somewhere in Cali 2023-
it was a rainy day so no one was really out on the court.
As I was shooting around these three kids came walking up to the court-
A teenage boy probably like 16- a little girl probably like 5- and a little boy probably like 8-
they had a deflated soccer ball they were shooting around with-
every time if fell to the ground it just went PLOP and stayed there- no bounce- they didn't care.
The little boy had an umbrella-
Seeing that I had a working basketball- the kids came over to my court and the little boy asked
me if they could play with me- the teenage boy and little girl were shy but the little boy was not-
So being a good adult playing with kids- I didn't shoot anymore-
instead I just let them shoot and got the rebounds and passed it to each of them-
Only the little boy spoke English so he was the only one talking to me-
they were new to the area only having moved there a few months back-
The kid's could barely reach the 10 foot hoop- the little girl couldn't at all-
the teenager hit a sick 3 breh so I gave him props on that-
But yeah- we're shooting as its raining lightly and the kids are having fun-
then an ice cream truck rolls into the park and the little boy instantly runs over to it-
then- he stops and yells at me "Do you want an ice cream?"
I say "no thank you"- he runs off with the other two kids-
A bit later they walk back with ice cream in hand- we keep shooting around-
The have ice cream in one hand and are picking up, dribbling, shooting with the other hand-
being careful not to drop the ice cream with the other hand-
Then it starts raining harder- I'm wearing a hoodie so the rain doesn't bother me and I shoot
out there alone in the rain all the time-
the teenager and the little girl run for cover under the roof of a nearby shack-
the little boy had a folded umbrella the whole time so he pulls it out and opens it-
He's standing there totally chill with the ice cream in one hand and the umbrella in the other
when I say to him-
"Hey you’re playing basketball, you've got an ice cream and an umbrella in the rain- pretty good yeah"
The he looks up at me without hesitation and says "I'm living my life"
That kid/that phrase at that moment inspired this musical.
We shot around a bit longer then the kids said bye and started the walk back home-
I kept shooting around when I noticed the kids forget their deflated soccer ball so I picked it up-
Just as I had picked it up and turned the little boy was running back saying "we forgot our ball"
so I threw it to him he said thank you and bye again and ran away.
I never saw them again-
but there's a lot of people I meet and talk to that I never see again.
I don't use and never have used any kind of mobile phone-
no flip phone ever- no smart phone ever-
I don't use any social media- I don't tweet, I don't post updates or stories or whatever.
So when I met these kids I didn't take any photos or videos-
I didn't post about it on my whatever because I don't have or use any of that bullshit.
So what did I do?
I made an original animated musical that’s 110+ minutes long with 33 original songs.
I'm living my life.
With that annoying little toy in your hand all day and night controlling your nervous system….
Are you?