M doll as “Doll Boy”
M doll is a long time screen actor having starred in “We are the strange”(2007) and “M doll”(2021). As an obscure struggling actor he also works as a GUBER driver and is currently working on bits so he can launch his stand-up comedy career.
Blue Girl as “Strange Girl”
Blue Girl co-starred with M doll in “We are the strange”(2007) and “M doll”(2021). She also briefly starred in an obscure animated series called “Blue Wander” in the early 2000’s. She works as a waitress when not acting.
Siouxsie S. as “Backwards Woman”
Siouxsie S. was also in “M doll”(2021) with M doll and Blue Girl. She also co-starred in the unknown 2012 film “Heart String Marionette” For her day job she works as a waitress in the same restaurant Blue Girl does.
Michay Tsuke as “Anime Hero”
This is Michay’s first role since the unknown and obscure film “I am Nightmare”(2013). Despite limited experience he always gives his all to his roles. Since acting is not paying his bills he works as a personal assistant in his normal life.
Him B. Bad as “King of Evil”
This is Him’s first role since the obscure and unknown “We are the strange”(2007) A versatile and passionate actor whose performances makes one wonder whether he is acting at all. For his day job he runs an unknown commercial site on the dark web.
A Bear as “Bear”
A Bear does not consider himself an actor as he considers what he does “just bringin dat real shit son” This is his first role as an actor. He’s going to continue pursuing acting as well as his rap career and entrepreneurship.