Can you fix this?
Can you fix this Can you fix this
Can you fix this I fucking hate Christmas
Can you fix this can fix you me now
Can you fix this I'm in a hurry pal
Can you fix this Can you fix this
Can you fix this imma fuckin slit my wrists
Can you fix this Can you fuckin fix this
Can you fix this I fucking hate Christmas
I'm in pain
no one has answers for me
My life’s gone down the drain
Mr. Bear do you care?
Can you fix what they've done to me
Can you fix this
Can you fix this
Can you fix this what they've done to me
I hope its not done permanently
Can you fix what they've done to me
Can you fix me Mr. bear please share
Can you fix what they've done to me
I was just a child
I wanted people to smile
Now my life is a nightmare nightmare
lookin back it seems so unfair so unfair
hey they mutilated me
hey before I could even see that I was deceived
Now my life is a nightmare
Lookin back at it all
it seems so
Humans controlled by the Nightmare Puppeteers strings believe the puppeteers words to be true- this leads them to do irreversible damage to themselves and their children. This song is about one such
child whose parents were fooled into
allowing their child to be
permanently mutilated-
the results of which the child
must “bear” alone, forever.
Composed by: Some Other Guy
Lyrics by: Some Other Guy
Orchestration by: Some Other Guy
Vocals by: Some Other Guy
Mix/master: Yeltsin Is Illuminati
Body mocap: Some Other Guy
Music made in: Reason 12 + Kontakt + Reaktor
Voice changing by: Audimee
Body mocap: Perception Neuron 3
Directed/animated in: Unity 2021 + Slate
Rendered outta: RTX 4090
Face mocap: Unity Face Capture
Edited in: Davinci Resolve Studio