Out Loud



When I saw that boy

he looked like a broken toy

only half size you see

like a reject from the toy factory

but still he screamed out loud

I saw him on the train

just that one day

in my mundane life

of never-ending Mondays

I fail rain falls

I gasp and claw at fate

am I too cold

am I too slow

why cant I

But when I saw that doll boy shooting indiscriminately

yesterday he looked me in the eye

then aimed away

then they blew him my way

flew over the highway

he's dead fer sure

at least crippled for life


When I saw his anger

I felt a knife inside of me

but I'm crippled by own

sense of inadequacy

I'm sorry little doll boy

your the only one

that doesn't act like a toy

like a toy AHHHH

We act like were the chosen

but in reality we're frozen

afraid to fade on

Now you're gone

blown to hell

but at least you could yell

out loud you yelled


at least out loud you yelled

I wish I could

I wish I could right now

at least out loud you yelled

I wish I could

I wish I could

right now



The passive admiring the active- the afraid to fail admiring those that dare risk failing.

The passive aggressive admiring the aggressive. With the rise of “cringe” culture and when authenticity and confidence is

interpreted as “try hard-ism” by weak

passive cowards- it causes many to

fear being authentic, bold and/or

take the risk of going all in as their

unique self when its something

that is new or different-

a risk.

Composed by: Some Other Guy

Lyrics by: Some Other Guy

Orchestration by: Some Other Guy

Additional Orchestration : Larissa Skrimsli

Vocals by: ÝRÝ

Mix/master: Yeltsin Is Illuminati

Body mocap: Some Other Guy

Face mocap: ÝRÝ

Music made in: Reason 12 + Kontakt + Reaktor

Voice changing by: Audimee

Body mocap: Perception Neuron 3

Directed/animated in: Unity 2021 + Slate

Rendered outta: RTX 4090

Face mocap: Unity Face Capture

Edited in: Davinci Resolve Studio
